According to provincial legislation (The Occupational Therapists Act, 1997), Occupational Therapists must be registered with SCOT in order to have a license to practice in Saskatchewan. Ensuring your OT is registered proves they have completed the necessary educational and continuing competency requirements to be able to practice safely. Registration also provides for protection of the title of Occupational Therapist. It is illegal to use the title “Occupational Therapist” in Saskatchewan without registration with SCOT.
All occupational therapists applying for Licensure in Saskatchewan will be required to successfully complete the CAOT exam. Prior to successful completion of the National Occupational Therapy Certification Examination (NOTCE), new graduates can apply for a Restricted License Level 2 for up to 20 months depending on the date of commencement of their Restricted license. Restricted License Level 2 holders will need to have a designated occupational therapist or an approved supervisor and will need to submit reports to the Credentials Committee contact person bi-monthly until successful completion of the NOTCE.
As professionals, OT’s must remain up to date with treatment methods and practice standards. SCOT requires Occupational Therapists to incorporate the Essential Competencies of Practice for Occupational Therapists in Canada – 3nd Edition into their practice of occupational therapy and participate in the SCOT Continuing Competency Program.