To review and investigate a written complaint expressing concern about an SCOT member’s occupational therapy practice in Saskatchewan.
To hear complaints forwarded to it by the Professional Conduct Committee and to determine whether or not the SCOT member is guilty of professional misconduct or professional incompetence – Section 28.3 (OT Act, 1997).
To review the Act, bylaws, policies and procedures of the College, and make recommendations to Council to keep these materials current, consistent and appropriate.
The professional practice standard committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of practice standard policies and documents for occupational therapists in Saskatchewan.
To advise council on matters related to the continuing competency of members and to implement the continuing competency program.
To advise and support the SCOT Registrar when making recommendations to Council regarding membership and licensing.
To support the Treasurer when making recommendations to Council with respect to efficient, responsible use and investment of College monies.
To develop and implement communication strategies to facilitate communications with the public, members, and other stakeholders.
To provide advice to the President, Executive Director and/or Council on human resource policies and staffing issues. To ensure that qualified candidates are encouraged to stand for election to SCOT Council, for appointments as SCOT representatives, or to SCOT Committees. To oversee the democratic election of SCOT Council members.