The SCOT Council is the group of individuals who meet at least 7 times a year to manage the affairs of the College. The Council ensures the regulation of all Occupational Therapists in Saskatchewan. Council consists of at least 5 elected Occupational Therapists that are SCOT members and up to three public representatives who are appointed by the provincial government.
SCOT Communication Liaison Chart
The president shall exercise general control and supervision over the affairs of the council and the college. The president will preside over all meetings of the college and the council. The president is an ex-officio, non-voting member of all committees with the exception of the professional conduct committee and the discipline committee. The incumbent assumes the office of president at the first council meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
The president-elect will assist the president in their role and preside over any meeting when the President is unable to do so. The president-elect will be assigned duties as needed and appropriate by SCOT Council. The president-elect will proceed to the position of president at the conclusion of their term as president-elect.
The Registrar carries out duties to ensure that all Occupational Therapists in Saskatchewan are properly registered with SCOT. This person maintains a current register of each member's required information. This person also ensures the safe keeping of past records. The Registrar serves as chair for the registration and licensing committee.
The Secretary-Treasurer carries out duties to ensure that the college's financial affairs are managed appropriately. The Secretary-Treasurer serves as chair of the finance committee.
The Member-at-Large (Quality Assurance) serves as chair of the continuing competence committee. This position supports the continuing competency program.
The Member at Large (Practice Standards), in consultation with the practice standards committee, advises the council on matters related to practice standards for occupational therapist in Saskatchewan.
The Member at Large (Communications) may chair the communications committee and provides leadership in Occupational Therapy in Saskatchewan. In the absence of the president and president-elect, council shall appoint a Member at Large to perform the duties of the president.
The Public Representative's role is to safeguard the public interest by representing the public’s perspective. Public representatives are not Occupational Therapists and bring forward a public perspective on issues that come before the SCOT Council or its committees. One of the Public Representatives must be a member of the Discipline Committee. The Public Representative's role is not determined by SCOT Council but by The Occupational Therapists Act, 1997, relevant Bylaws, and the Provincial Government.